If you would like to send a card to a friend or loved one but are unable to get out, you can now leave it to us!
Add your chosen card to the basket and write your personal greeting in the 'Add a note to your order' box underneath the image. Please ensure the greeting is short enough to easily fit on a card. We will then handwrite your message and send the card to the recipient by first class post. We aim to post the card within two days of receiving the order. Please put the recipient's name and address in the Shipping address section.
We will not charge you anything extra for this service, you only pay for the card and our usual shipping charge. Please note that you can only purchase one 'Write and send' card at a time. This service is not available for Christmas packs.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call us on 01273 241210 or send us an email to info@dryredpress.com, and we will get back to you.
We hope this service will be helpful to our customers.
Laura and Kicki
Thank you Mary for your lovely comments! You can use this service from France, no problem at all. You can also use it to send cards abroad. We are thinking of continuing this service as it has been quite popular. Apologies for the late reply, I only just came across your message. We hope you will visit again and look forward to receiving your order. Laura and Kicki